Welcome to My Website





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Who is Elijah?

I'm a trainer, consultant and preacher. I'm actively conducting trainings in corporate settings.

My Background

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  • EMBA from Quantic School of Business and Technology, 2020
  • MDiv from Methodist Theological School, 2003
  • BSc (Hons) Nursing from Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, 2001
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Professional Qualification

  • HRD Corp Accredited Trainer (Trainer ID: 18971)
  • Licensed Financial Planner (eCMSRL/B8748/2019)
  • Workplace Big Five Profile™ Certified Consultant
  • Career Direct® Certified Consultant

I train people ...

The Art of Connection


Effective Communication Skills for Personal & Professional

  • Improved interpersonal relationships and team dynamics.
  • Foster a positive work environment
  • Increased emotional intelligence and empathy in professional interactions
  • Practical communication tools that can be immediately applied in the workplace